Know Us


About Us


Every innovation in the world, and every spectacular business started from zero. It started from “nothing.”

We at Pianta aim, having launched our business in the hopes of being of use to our customers, seek to be in a unique position as we pursue the creation of value.

Our themes are the spirit, physical beauty and health, and of course, safety.

Health, it is said, is priceless. However, to make a business with regard to health, what it really requires is a deep level of specialized knowledge about products and a great deal of research.

This is the reason that, although we may be small, we aim to be a group of specialists that possess knowledge.

It is our deepest hope that we may be of use for the health and beauty of as many people as possible.

We thank you for your patronage and hope for your continued support.

Company Credos

For Beauty and Health, Peace in Body and Soul

The Origins of Pianta

The word “Pianta” is Italian for plant.

Pianta is more than just vegetation; it encompasses everything from algae, moss, and ferns to the smaller related life forms like bugs and microorganisms.
It may be a Japanese way of thinking, but the life in mountains and rivers, specifically, it means all of nature itself.

Taking great care to utilize life in the natural world, we at Pianta strive to create new value through product development that aims to improve the lives of people.